
Tribal Family Services​

Tribal Family Services​

Tribal Family Services encompasses tribal members from all stages of life. We provide programs to encourage healthy living and cultural connection. 

Event Flyers

Elder Services

Jackie Ladd, Elder Services Coordinator, (907) 424-2230
elders@eyak-nsn.gov ​

The Elder Service Program assists and coordinates services and activities for Alaska Native and American Indian Elders (55 and older). These services provide a healthy lifestyle and encourage our elders and youth to interact and share our traditions, culture, and crafts across multiple generations.


Collaborates with CCMC senior food and monthly gatherings.

Transportation for errands, grocery shopping, post office and events 

Provides limited homemaker and chore services.

Support and resources for elderly caregiving.

Memory Care in Alaska

Weekly medication in med sets for homebound elders.

Health and wellness information provided monthly; as well as, home visits, phone calls and periodic well-being checkups.

A food cache for elders of traditional foods is distributed when available. 

This is provided on an as needed basis for local and out of town medical appointments.

  • Weekly Elder Sewing Circle each Tuesday at the Ilanka Cultural Center 
  • Monthly Elder Mug-ups, visit with friends and enjoy nutritional foods 
  • Elder/Youth summer activities to promote preservation of local traditions, knowledge, subsistence living, and cultural practices 
  • Sobriety Celebration Elder Hospitality room 
  • Attending the Elder/Youth Conference and AFN 
  • Collaboration with DENR Department for king salmon subsistence and educational opportunities for elder involvement with fishwheel activities
  • Thanksgiving turkey baskets & pie social 
  • Christmas gift cards 

Non-Clinical Social Worker / Case Managment

Jason Barnes I (907) 424-2408

  • Case Manage
  • Client Transportation 
  • Provider Meetings
Activities and events
  • Young Bucks Club
  •  Sober Peer to Peer Support 

Family and Youth Programming Services

Jessica Weaver, Family Program Coordinator, (907) 424-2246

Family Program Services plans and holds youth and community events in order to support tribal youth and families, promote Eyak culture and provide fun activities for all families. 


Support and resources for families through monthly activities and quarterly events.

Certified car seat technician available for the community for proper car seat installation as needed. Car seat check-up events are held two times each year. 

Outreach to all families through various family program activities and monthly community wellness events. See Family Program Activities section on the right.

Offers traditional and cultural education and awareness, coordinates the Miqwanwasaq day camp in the summers, coordinates Peksulineq Culture week in Tatitlek applications, coordinates Nuuciq Spirit Camp yearly through Chugach Alaska Corporation, and helps facilitate the elementary school cultural week.

Manages the Tribal Youth Council that is designed for tribal members grades 7-12 to provide a collective voice and representation.

NVE offers eight $100 activity scholarships each year for tribal youth who have not yet graduated from high school. 

Collaboration with Ilanka Cultural Center and local agencies in order to coordinate family activities.

  • Moms, Pops and Tots for children 0-4 held on Mondays from 10:00am to noon following the school year calendar.
  • Backpack Bash provides school supplies to all school-aged tribal members yearly.
  • Builder Buddies for K-8th Grade tribal members and their male parent or care-giver for monthly STEM projects.
  • Monthly community wellness events. Topics will be determined each month. 
  • After School Club offering cultural activities after school.
  • Car Seat Check-up Events twice yearly.
  • Tribal Youth Council meetings.

TFS Family Advocate

Anelyn Mapili, (907) 424-2258

This position is responsible for prevention activities, domestic violence support services, and referrals to external service providers. 

Family Violence Prevention

Virtual prevention of child, elder and domestic violence abuse.

Coordination of Resources
Collaboration with agencies within the community and with outside agencies.

  • Outreach and education to the community.
  • Participation in the annual health fair and Sobriety Celebration.
  • Monthly awareness activities.
  • DV/SA Support Group
  • Chalk the Walk 
  • Walk a Mile in Her Shoes 

Food Programs:
TEFAP (Food Bank of AK) & FDPIR

Vivian Lian, (907) 424-COOK (2665)

TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program) and FDPIR (Federal Distribution Program on an Indian Reservation) provides food to low-income families on a monthly basis. Cordova residents may apply for both programs.

  • FDPIR: Increasing Access to Healthy Foods on Indian Country
  • TEFAP: Strengthening the Nation’s Nutrition Safety Net and Supporting American Agriculture.
Important Information

Household Eligibility
A household application for FDPIR is available in a few select Alaska tribal communities. Households can apply and be deemed income eligible on the same day they contact a tribal agency that administers the FDPIR program. To view a current list of active federally recognized tribes administering the FDPIR program in Alaska visit https://www.fns.usda.gov/fdpir/

Dual Participation
Household members are NOT permitted to participate in both the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and FDPIR at the same time.

How to Apply
Schedule an appointment with Vivian Lian, Food Assistance Program Manager, by emailing food@eyak-nsn.gov or by calling 907-424-COOK (2665).

What Foods Does the Program Offer?

Each month, income eligible households receive a food package to help them maintain a nutritionally balanced diet.

Participants may select from over 70 products including, but not limited to:

  • Fresh Produce (FDPIR)
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Canned meats, poultry, and fish
  • Canned soups and spaghetti sauce
  • Macaroni and cheese; pastas; cereals; rice; and other grains
  • Cheese; egg mix; and nonfat dry (TEFAP), boxed and evaporated milk (FDPIR)
  • Flour; cornmeal; bakery mix; and reduced sodium crackers (FDPIR)
  • Low-fat refried beans; dried beans; and dehydrated potatoes
  • Juices and dried fruit

TFS Victim Advocacy and Response Coordinator

Denise Eleshansky 907-424-2258

This position is responsible for the Native Village of Eyak’s domestic violence and sexual assault  and children’s advocacy center programs.


Provide services to Alaska Native and American Indian victims of domestic violence. Collaborate with local resources and outside agencies. Provide support, resources, and advocacy for clients. 

Provide services to all children in the community who have experienced abuse, neglect or maltreatment. 

Provide forensic interviews and exams to community members who are victims of sexual assault over the age of 16 through a collaboration between Law Enforcement, Advocacy and Medical.


Contact person for three day emergency shelter for domestic violence or sexual assault victims.

Coordinator Activities
  • Participates in community wide activities such as the Health Fair and NVE hosted events.
  •  Collaboration with TFS departments and city agencies

Hours & Contact

PO Box 1388
622 First Street, Suite 300
Cordova, Alaska 99574

Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

(907) 424-2238

Asked Questions

How do I report child abuse?To report child abuse, call 1-800-478-4444 or email

How do I report vulnerable adult abuse?
Contact Adult Protective Services at 1-800-478-9996 or complete the State of Alaska’s Report of Harm form

How do I become a member of the NVE Elders Facebook group?
Contact the Elder Services Coordinator, Jackie Ladd,  elders@eyak-nsn.gov

Still have questions?
Call or email Heather Thorne:

(907) 424-7738
